- ✓ Reduces the viral load to lower the risk of infection or severity of disease
- ✓ Medical Grade HEPA effectively removes 99% of airborne viruses that are 0.1 microns and larger
- ✓ Eases headaches and reduces nausea related to chemical exposure
- ✓ Strengthens the immune system
- ✓ Best for chemical and odor control
- ✓ Reduces the viral load to lower the risk of infection or severity of disease
- ✓ Medical Grade HEPA effectively removes 99% of airborne viruses that are 0.1 microns and larger
- ✓ Eases headaches and reduces nausea related to chemical exposure
- ✓ Strengthens the immune system
- ✓ Eases coughing, wheezing and sneezing
- ✓ Designed for highly contaminated indoor air conditions
- ✓ Extremely effective at removing particles in the air including formaldehyde, elements of smoke, dust and pollens
- ✓ Exceptional capacity for removing Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)
- ✓ Filters viruses and bacteria

The HealthMate™ combines proven filter technology to provide the best overall protection from coronavirus (0.1micron) along with a wide range of airborne particles, chemicals, gases, and odors.
Every minute, over 250 cubic feet of air passes through 15 pounds of Activated Carbon and over 60 square feet of True Medical Grade HEPA, providing air so clean it could change your life and how you sleep. If it doesn’t, Austin Air will refund your money within 30 days.

The HealthMate Jr.™ combines proven filter technology to provide the best overall protection from coronavirus particles and a wide range of airborne particles, chemicals, gases, and odors.
Every minute, over 200 cubic feet of air passes through 6.5 pounds of Activated Carbon and over 30 square feet of True Medical Grade HEPA, providing air so clean it could change your life and how you sleep. If it doesn’t, Austin Air will refund your money within 30 days.